Other Information

Biennium Theme

Zonta Club of Cebu II….
Moving towards Gender Equality through…

Participation and Integration

Education and Empowerment

Advocacy and Active support

Raising awareness

Livelihood Training

Zonta Song

Hail to our Zonta Club, trustworthy, true
We pledge our loyal hearts and strength to you
Circling the whole world round
Our praises ring.
Hail to our Zonta Club, of thee we sing.
Zonta, the name to us, always shall be
Our emblem of service, love and loyalty,
That which we build today,
Others shall praise,
Hail! to our Zonta Club through endless days.

Zonta Prayer

We thank Thee Father for your blessings
And for Your gracious loving care
Help us to honor Zonta’s code
To be in all things fair & square
And grant our prayers for lasting peace
For all nations, everywhere.